Selasa, 23 November 2010

Welcome to FISHONLINE…

If you are concerned about declining fish stocks and the welfare of our seas the Marine Conservation Society FISHONLINE website can help you identify which fish are from well managed sources and/or caught using methods that minimise damage to marine wildlife and habitats.
To return to the Home page click on the word FISHONLINE in the banner.
November 2009: MCS has published the results of the 2009 Supermarket Survey on the MCS website. Please click here to see how your local supermarket performed.
The Good Catch Initiative: MCS has joined forces with the Marine Stewardship Council, Seafood Choices Alliance, and Sustain to help those in the foodservice industry navigate the world of sustainable seafood. For more information and to sign up to the Fish-Flash e-bulletin visit
NEW!! Secret shopper labelling campaign launched! Click here to fill in our online survey about the labelling of the fish you buy. Help us help you make the right choice for sustainable seafood. September 2008.
MCS Defines sustainable environmental practice for fish farmers, 22nd May 2007.

To use

Select search, simply type in the name of the fish you are interested in and follow online prompts in each of the drop down menus to define your search. Each fish is given a rating based on its stock status, fisheries management and the environmental impacts of the fishing methods used.
We have provided both simple and advanced search facilities so that you can obtain a simple overview of a species, or a highly detailed response that includes information on the area of capture, and more specifically, the stock from which the fish is derived (currently applicable to North-East Atlantic stocks only) as well as its method of capture. In either search the user will be prompted to select the species of interest and its method of production i.e. whether it is ‘caught at sea’ or ‘farmed’.
In addition to background information on the state of the world’s fish stocks you will also find maps of the world's fishing areas (UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) fishing areas, and North East Atlantic stocks (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) fishing areas)), to help you identify the areas in which the fish is caught. There is also a glossary explaining terms associated with fish biology and their management as well as descriptions of the various fishing methods.
For quick reference within the site you will also find ‘Lists’ of Species to Avoid and Species to Eat. For easy reference when you are out shopping or at a restaurant MCS has also produced a Pocket Good Fish Guide. This wallet-sized list of the Fish to Eat and the Fish to Avoid is available FREE from MCS on receipt of a SAE to Marine Conservation Society, Unit 3 Wolf Business Park, Alton Road, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 5NB.
FISHONLINE has been developed by the Marine Conservation Society and designed by Juniperblue with the support of the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Marks and Spencer plc. Information on fish stocks in the North-East Atlantic has been obtained from the most recent scientific reports published by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES May 2006) Information about World Conservation Union (IUCN) assessments and Red List fish species is available at More information on fish biology and distribution available at
The advice given by the Marine Conservation Society is based on information available at the time of release, and is provided as a guide to consumers and buyers to make an environmentally informed choice about the fish they buy. The information does not include any advice on health benefits or risks associated with eating any particular fish species.

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